Apr 27, 2010

Britney Spears’ new album rumored to be “darker” and “subliminal”

Someone allegedly snuck into a record company meeting on Britney Spears news album and was later ejected but with some relevant news on the direction and release date of the album.

The album is set to have a deep and dark sound, but also “subliminal.” No, word yet on what subliminal music is.

Does that mean that Britney Spears is going to being singing something in code that only the subconscious ear could hear forcing us into some cult following?

That’s quite vague and somewhat creepy.

But, here’s the quote follow by the source: “Yesterday we were in a meeting with some staff working in the career of Britney Spears and told us that the new disc is recorded by 70% and their plan is to launch on Halloween since the concept of the album will be very dark and subliminal also talks of a tour, which is ruled by the last time for the tentative dates for the launches are, the album in October and single at the end of August talked about the concept of this new stage and as I say goes to be very subliminal and dark.”


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